BREAKING NEWS: We need new packaging! 😄 Help us choose the best type of packaging to suit you how you use iCooked meals

BREAKING NEWS: We need new packaging! 😄 Help us choose the best type of packaging to suit you how you use iCooked meals

Sep 14, 2022Amy Thompson
Hi, have you filled out our super short packaging survey yet?
iCooked 3-Min Survey
Our packaging is in need of an upgrade - our vacuum sealer is amazing but too slow for the number of dishes we are producing now, we are wanting a more sustainable packaging option AND we have had requests for microwavable packaging in our tray meals!

There are heaps of wonderful options for packaging out there BUT not one option has the ability to do everything.

Help us make the decision on what to go with by telling us how you use our products & what features are most important to you. 

The survey is super short (only 10 questions) & to make it even easier we have made it multiple choice the whole way.  

You are very appreciated.

Thank you for your input!
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