Its HOT, HOT, HOT! We cook so you don't have to 😂 Brazilian Coconut Curry is back & in meal for one size, we made MORE Cottage Pie & Chicken Lasagna

Its HOT, HOT, HOT! We cook so you don't have to 😂 Brazilian Coconut Curry is back & in meal for one size, we made MORE Cottage Pie & Chicken Lasagna

Jan 31, 2023Amy Thompson

Hello iCooked family,

This is another very quick newsletter to say, yes we are delivering tomorrow!

It is hot, hot, hot and the kitchen is will be cooking away all week.
Kristina ,however, is off on a cruise leaving us to it!

Normal deliveries this week Tuesday & Thursday between 2pm & 5pm.

PICKUP 8am to 2pm (Monday to Friday) OR BY APPOINTMENT


Fun Facts

While Kristina is away, I cover 4 email accounts, 2 social media accounts & a single phone. There is a lot of communication that goes on in a small business, across a wide range of types.

And we are a small business! Time to go and answer another email :)

I might get to sneak into the kitchen to have some fun later in the week!

Pickup 8am to 2pm or by arrangement outside of these hours!

Delivery Tuesday ONLY THIS WEEK between 2pm to 5pm.

Happy eating!




Amy & the iCooked team


Brazilian Coconut Curry

NOW in Microwaveable meals - for one!


Cottage Pie (GF)

We just keep selling out of this! It is back in stock!

Chicken Lasagna

It is BEAUITFUL! And we also have kept selling out of this one too!

P 0406 141 682  E 
A Warehouse 1, 2 Civil Court, Harlaxton QLD 4350

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